Are you Ready...

to let go and live life now? Awaken My True Self Community is like coming home – home to yourself, to the life you’re meant to live and to receive the support and guidance you’ve longed for.

Click the banner above to learn more about this special community and Online offerings

My unique connection with the Divine will show you…

you do not have to do this on your own.

Through my Divine connection, I can help you discover your truth, your self-worth and your innate abilities to empower you with clarity so that you can fulfill your heartfelt wishes and dreams.

You can experience grace and miracles and be supported and assisted by me and your Divine family every step of the way.

Sign up to receive two FREE gifts to support you on your spiritual journey:

Free Guide, How to Connect with Your Angels and Meet Your Guardian Angels audio meditation

Free Guide, How to Connect with Your Angels AND Meet Your Guardian Angels audio meditation


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Whether you're a newbie” on this spiritual journey or you're intrigued about your angels, experiencing miracles or accessing the wisdom of your soul, you have landed in the right place.

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Have you remembered that you are a Divine being in a human experience? Are you ready to awaken and align to your Divine inherent gifts, intuition, and access your inner potential to manifest the life you desire? Then get excited to learn more!

ready to


Are you ready to follow your passion and own your gifts to help others and make a difference? Here, you will be supported so you can feel inspired, worthy and not alone as you step into your magnificence sharing and shining in your joy to empower others.


The latest

from Karen

Join Karen as she shares in both a group and individual Angel-Soul Readings. Be open to receive a message for your highest and greatest good.

Oct 17, 2024

Angel Prayers

Receive an Angel Prayer Reading

Right Now!

Featured events

Time to Shine ~ A Soulful Retreat to Reignite Your Spark

03/21/2025 - 03/23/2025 @ 5:00 pm - 1:00 pm - It’s with great honor and joy that we announce our next in-person retreat! Since 2002, Louie and I have been facilitating intimate, powerful, and transformational retreats, and with each one, the experience only deepens and expands. So, what does it mean to truly shine? To live authentically and unapologetically as your truest self. To let [...]

NEW! Let Go of Worry to Live Fully In the Present NOW!

03/20/2025 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - Are you tired of overthinking, stressing about the future, and feeling stuck in worry? It’s time to break free! In this empowering 90-minute class, you’ll learn how to quiet your anxious thoughts, release the need for control, and fully embrace the present moment. During our time together you will experience... Guided exercises to identify and [...]

Upcoming Events

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Free Guide, How to Connect with Your Angels AND Meet Your Guardian Angels audio meditation

Sign up to receive two FREE gifts to support you on your spiritual journey: