Intuitive Mentorship Program
Are you ready to discover your unlimited potential to create a life you truly desire?
There is nothing I love more than witnessing and supporting others as they awaken their powerful magnificent self and stop denying their passion and sense of purpose. If you are ready to say YES and expand your potential then join my next Intuitive Mentorship program starting in November.

Why am I qualified to support you?
Over the past two decades, I have successfully created a spiritual business and an international brand for myself. I have been financially successful and I have never been in debt and always profited in my business in order to support myself and my family. Most importantly, I have experienced great fulfillment in serving others as well as aligning my business with my personal joy, passion, and commitment to having balance in my life.
For those of you feeling the call to be teachers, speakers, writers, and intuitive mediums or messengers...
Are you feeling stuck or are you ready to take charge of your life and move forward? Bring your top two or three goals to your session. If you are not sure what you want to focus on, don’t worry, it will emerge as we focus on what it is you want to feel and experience in your life. We will work together in identifying what might be holding you back as well as gaining clarity to new perspectives and attitudes to empower you to achieve your goals. You will be supported to create the change and transformation you seek with “inspired action” steps that will help you achieve your dreams and what you truly desire so you can begin to manifest miracles and experience the change seek in your life.
For those of you that already have a business or envision yourself opening a business, center, or hosting events...
I established and successfully directed my own spiritual center for the soul, Heaven on Earth, from 2009 to 2015 which offered a variety of healing and spiritual modalities, events and angel fairs. I have hosted guest speakers and teachers from around the world including world acclaimed Hay House speakers, writers, mediums and intuitives.
If your pure intention is to empower, awaken and help as many people as you can...
then you are aligned to my intent and purpose in being here and I would be honored to support you!
My Intuitive Mentorship Program is starting in November. If you are ready to commit to yourself and your Divine destiny and shine and share your gifts and innate passion to serve others... then fill out the assessment below. This information will support me in determining your individual needs and make sure this program will best serve you.
Thank you and I look forward to supporting you and witnessing you manifest joy, success and miracles. Blessings, Karen