Intuitive Life Coaching

When Intuitive Life Coaching is the path for you, the answer will be yes to the following questions!

Are you ready to create a newfound sense of excitement for your life?

Is it time to stop denying your true self and stop living in fear?

And more importantly...

Ready to discover your unlimited potential and create a life you desire?

What is an Intuitive Life Coach?

An Intuitive Life Coach is someone who is in-tune with you and your Soul and supports you in recognizing your true potential and helping you believe and understand that you have the potential within you, to achieve all your goals, no matter whats going on in your life or what goal you choose to achieve.

As your Intuitive Life Coach, I will help you recognize and transform any patterns, self-limiting beliefs and feelings that keep you from achieving your goals. I partner with you to illuminate the way so you can see new possibilities and tap into your own gifts, talents and power to transform your life.  We will strategize and set inspired actions to initiate and create change so you feel empowered and confident to move forward. And before you know it, you have stepped into the reality of your desired goal.

Intuitive Life Coaching can help you:

  • Work on specific goals or receive support in specific areas of your life such as money and prosperity, relationships (romantic, family, and friendship), career, physical health, spirituality, inner peace, and well-being
  • Explore and recognize any limiting beliefs, fears, or resistance that block you from living your life or achieving your goals
  • Shift your perspective to regain your power and recognize your potential
  • Achieve a greater sense of ease, trust, and self-love and let go of what no longer serves you
  • Get in touch with your inner happiness, passion and joy
  • Formulate inspired action” steps to put your new awareness and desired direction into practice.

Why do I feel confident in supporting you as your Intuitive Life Coach?

I believe every person has everything they need to achieve their unlimited potential.  For over 25 years I have passionately empowered others to remember their magnificence through my work. I combine my experience and gifts as a Certified Life Coach, Intuitive, Hypnotherapist, and Soul Entrainment® Coach to support you in taking your power back, helping to transform what no longer serves you and working through your blocks and fears so you can move in the direction of  your True Self. I believe and know beyond any doubt that you can manifest and create your inner desires and dreams.

My role as your Life Coach is to support you and help you believe in your unlimited potential and the power within you to create the life you truly desire. As one of my clients shared….

Can you have it all?
Working with Karen makes me believe I can!


Intuitive Life Coaching Services and Value Saving Packages:

Intuitive Life Coaching

Are you feeling stuck or are you ready to take charge of your life and move forward? Bring your top two or three goals to your session. If you are not sure what you want to focus on, dont worry, it will emerge as we focus on what it is you want to feel and experience in your life. We will work together in identifying what might be holding you back as well as gaining clarity to new perspectives and attitudes to empower you to achieve your goals. You will be supported to create the change and transformation you seek with inspired action” steps that will help you achieve your dreams and what you truly desire so you can begin to manifest miracles and experience the change seek in your life.

If you are focused and ready to pursue a specific dream or step into your life purpose, this coaching program is for you. This is designed help you recognize and transform your fears and limiting beliefs so you can move forward with courage, support and inspired action to step into the reality of your desire. You will not only own your inner power to create but you will also co-create with Divine potential to manifest a flow of miracles, support and everything you need to become one with the reality of your dream or life purpose. Here a just a few possibilities …

  • Take the leap and transition into your life purpose
  • Transform your relationships or manifest your soul mate
  • Create financial abundance or success in your business
  • Live your dream, whatever it may be

A Course in Miracles tells us, All that is required for a miracle is a little willingness.

Choose Your Option and Complete Payment 27% OFF to Celebrate 27 Years

Karen highly recommends...

Soul Shift Package (Save $122)

Are you ready to commit to you?

Is it time to align to your Soul and your deepest desires?

As part of the Soul Shift package, we meet each month 1:1. The first and last month for a 60 minute intuitive coaching session and month two for a 90 minute powerful Soul Entrainment™ session. Here’s an overview of what our sessions will focus on and in each session you will walk away with an inspired action plan for the month.

Month 1 | Realization - You’ll be supported in gaining clarity to what you really want to shift, experience, and feel. You’ll then get clear on the action steps to take to start living it.

Month 2 | Reinvention - With me as your guide, you’ll dissolve old beliefs, fears, and resistance that is getting in the way of creating your own heaven on earth experience. I help you stay aligned with your vision and ignite your courage to live in alignment with your truth. (90 minute Soul Entrainment session to go deeper.)

Month 2 | Rebirth of Your Authentic Self - This month, we map your miraculous life in partnership with the Divine and the Universes support. You’ll walk away with practical and divinely inspired tools that will help you be your authentic self in relationships, work and daily life – so you can reach new heights of purpose, passion and joy.


Kind Words • Intuitive Life Coaching

Contact me to schedule your Intuitive Life Coaching Session

You can achieve many goals and work through your fears and blocks in your Intuitive Life Coaching sessions.

If you have any questions please email me at Sessions may be successfully done through Zoom, FaceTime or Skype or in-person at my office in Rhode Island.

Thank you! I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you in achieving your goals!

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