Angel Messenger Telecourse

In 2004, I was nudged by Spirit and inspired by my clients, students and the Angels to facilitate a training and certification course that would empower others with the tools and spiritual guidance to be Angel Messengers like myself.

I resisted at first, knowing it was a huge responsibility to certify others as Angel Messengers. It was imperative that I create a program with integrity. This course clears the way to allow Divine love, healing and messages of clarity to flow, as well as supports a personal journey of spiritual growth and empowerment. To me, these go hand in hand. To be a clear channel for the Divine, your spiritual practice and desire to clear the way and grow is essential.

To fulfill this intention, I collaborated with the Divine and created an 8-week journey, training, and certification designed to empower others to accept their role as Angel Messengers and to deepen their connection with the Divine.

How can this journey and certification support you?…

  • Embark on an eight week spiritual journey shared with like-minded people
  • Learn how to release your blocks and fears that keep you from receiving clear Divine guidance
  • Expand and enhance your natural intuitive abilities through exercises and spiritual practices
  • Expand your knowledge and experience of the different Angels and Divine helpers and build your spiritual family to assist you in all aspects of your life
  • Educate and share with others the miracles and healing gifts of the Angels so they too can invite and ask their Angels for support in all aspects of their lives
  • Learn the difference between your imagination and divine guidance
  • Learn how to do an angel reading for yourself and others
  • Discover how the angels can help you in all aspects of your life
  • Expand your healing practice and create the prosperity of being an Angel Messenger

Who is this class for?

  • If you are interested in expanding your awareness and Divine guidance with your Angels, Guides and loved ones in the Spirit World.
  • If you are interested in becoming Certified as an Angel Messenger to do readings, workshops or parties.
  • If you wish to incorporate Angel therapy into your healing practice.

What to expect during the 8 weeks:

Week 1:

Angel Attunement. Setting intention. Releasing blocks.

Week 2:

Who’s who in the angelic realm. Creating and working with your “spiritual family.” Connecting with your guardian angels. Automatic writing.

Week 3:

Different ways to connect, understand and tune into your strongest “clairs”. Discerning Divine guidance vs. your imagination. One card angel reading.

Week 4:

Protection, shielding, and cutting etheric cords. Third eye opening. Conducting an Angel Reading for yourself and others.

Week 5:

Continue with Angel readings and receiving Divine guidance about relationships, prosperity, life lessons and life purpose.

Week 6:

Enhancing Clairaudience. Discussion on mediumship.

Week 7:

Past life regression. Defining your purpose as an Angel Messenger.

Week 8:

Marketing your business. Questions and Answers. Closing ceremony.

This schedule is subject to change based upon the group energy and Divine guidance, Weekly assignments will include reading, meditation and a practice working with a different Angels and Archangels.

Requirements for Certification:

If you would like to receive a certificate of certification at the completion of this course and be certified as an Angel Messenger then you must attend at least 5 out of the 8 LIVE classes, and listen to all recordings for classes not attended.

Additionally you must complete 10 angel readings by the end of the course. If these requirements are met you will receive a certificate of certification.


Facilitated by:

Karen Paolino Correia is widely known as “The Miracle Messenger,” Karen is recognized as a relatable, caring intuitive who has shared her talents with thousands of audience members and readers across the globe. For almost two decades she has combined her certifications in hypnotherapy, mediumship, and as an Angel Therapy Practitioner® with the development of two innovative and remarkable healing modalities Soul Entrainment® and Soul Mediumship®.

She is the author of four internationally acclaimed books and she showcases her keynote speaking expertise at industry expos and conferences across the countries.

Karen’s books are:  101 Ways to Meet Your Angels, How to Contact Your Angels, The Everything Guide to Angels, What Would Love Do?  A 40-Day Journey to Transform Your Fears into Miracles of Love, and A 40-Day Affair with Your Self, a Journey of Self-Love and Owning your Magnificence

Supplies needed:

  • Angels, Gods, Goddess Oracle Deck by Toni Carmine Salerno
  • Ask Your Soul...Your Soul Knows by Karen Paolino Correia
  • Book- Everything Guide to Angels by Karen Paolino
  • Book- Crystal Angels 444 by Alana Fairchild

Next Class Schedule:

Location: Via Zoom

Wednesday mornings June 19, 26, July 3, 10, 17, 24 August 7, 14

Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST

Cost: Register by $555.00 (Payment plan is available upon request. Email Karen at )

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